Really great job for everything, and i mean everything at all! The storyline, ideas, animation, voice acting, and man! the end was really unexpectable hahaha!
Congratz to everyone!
Really great job for everything, and i mean everything at all! The storyline, ideas, animation, voice acting, and man! the end was really unexpectable hahaha!
Congratz to everyone!
Amazing, stunning!
Couldn't agree more with Rion-hunter! It really could've been one of the greatest pieces of the year! I loved the style, the tones, but the sound really got messy with everything. And the end is not even close of what i spected. You got talent man! Nice work! Keep on that!
I'll always remember this
It's been quite some time since I saw one good animation. Thanks for sharing that! But i found somehow boring the with the repetitive sound.
This one deserves #1 of the week!
When the new episode coming??
Heey! Hope u didn't forget about the continuation lol! Waiting anxiously for it!!
Keep it up the very good idea!
It's like everything else
But damn! Dats funny haha!
Woah! Thats an art!
I gave you 5 for the art, the other 5 is for the story, totally crap! Pointless and with no meaning... spend some more time on the screenplay next time
Thats why i love ng
Always impressing even more!
Hm, dunno now, i'll write it later about me hahaha
Age 39, Male
Joined on 1/24/08